Monday, November 21, 2011

Learning Profile =K

In class we had to find are learning profile, a learning profile helps undersatnd how you feel around class and how you need to overcome those problems.When I did my learning profile test I found out that I was a K compared to last time when I was a
L, it suprrised me when my learing profile had changed over the year.The K profile suggested that I sit on the left side of the room when we are veiwing something on the board and that I am under stress a lot of time,for instance quiz,test and hge assingmnts.It said to resolve these problems by relaxing taking deep breaths, draw figure 8's and keep calm when ever there is a quiz or test that comes up in any of my classes!

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Name

My Name Is Ramon Viegas

My Name Is Ramon Viegas
Im Ramon the mighty protector although I don’t think I protect in real life situations. I think Ramon is a great name but sometimes people like to call me Nomar my name backwards which I'm fine with. My name has a unique purpose in my family such as my dads name is Renzo his brothers name is Ryan and there Dads name is Raul but there is also another it is that my name begins with the letter R and my favorite color is red so I think that is also a unique quality to my name. Sometimes I get a little annoyed when people spell my name wrong like Ramond,Ramone or Ramoen. The word Ramon to me sounds like bright, fire and joyful, yet sometimes it brings sadness on days felling icy as if I was trapped in dark box waiting to come out.

When people say my name the often say it like raamon which I get from other people form a different country but sometimes I wish my name was easy to pronounce because I feel like I'm and outsider from all those other names out there. Ramon to me is kid of catchy name as my middle name is Renzo so its like Ramon Renzo Viegas.Ramon has another meaning to t decision make with I think represents me in a way as I make alt of descions going throught middle school. Hello my name is Ramon

My Special items

My Special items

1) This item is special to me because it was the day
my sister was in her art class, and her assignment
was to make any object out of clay and decided tomake this for me.I also like how she crafted shapes
such as a crescent, star and a heart shape which
showed that she spend a lot of time working on it to
make all those details.And the last importance to me
is that it was for my birthday,and gave it as a present to me.
2) My year book because it has all my cherished moments
in it also a way to reflect on my life, show
how I entered Middle School and what I did
as activities,how it all went, and it dose
represent its title The Time machine.Another, it
is my first yearbook in ISKL and I really enjoyed to collage of photos and how design

3) Is the miniature mod
el of a house boat, as it
reminds me of my trip to Kerala, and what it was
like to ride in house boat as every morning you would wake up you feel like the house is moving
which kind of frightens you at first but you will get use to it. And the last thing that makes me treasure this
item is that I picked something Farley close to what are boat look liked, so every time I look at it,I can picture the boat.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Reflection of Grade 6

The work I chose is my ICGR project I chose this work because it showed how as group (Rosse and Jung Hun worked together for the assignments we chose to complete. Some my greatest challenges in sixth grade were taking hard tests, trying to understand some units and Malaysia Week! I learned that from the beginning of the year that I was timid but and year went by im was more confident of myself.

My behavior I wold say is satisfactory i'm mostly concentrate on the task and are very responsible sometimes get distracted but are mostly focused on task.

My Participation towards the class is very active I participate with very good attitude and are very active towards the activities.

My Organization would have to be satisfactory I am most of the time organized I always bring homework and important papers on time but sometimes tend to forget but I assure I am very Organized.

My Effort I would say is satisfactory I always put 100% into my work but occasionally I sort of don't but most of the time I put 100% into my work.

Goal 1 - For Seventh grade goal 1 is to be more alert of upcoming events such as quiz's and test so I can prepare for the upcoming event I usually am but I need to be a little more alert.

Goal 2 - For Seventh grade goal 2 is to be more creative with my ideas and think beyond on the excepted level.

Extra Information is that i'm responsible and creative I mostly put 100% and that i'm a willing to learn student.

The activity I wish we could of spent more time on is the ICGR unit as I enjoyed learning about India,China,Greece and Rome.

Class of 2018 don't worry there is nothing to worry about grade 6 is a pleasure to be in with fun activities for the first few months being more free as you guys mentioned i'm sure you will all have a great year and if there is any help on the first few days were here to help :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

My favorite book was

My favorite book was called School of fear. This book made me think of how these children get invited to this school and its basically a mental school. It also made me a little scared about what happens in the school and how its really scary and how the teachers react.

This book challenged me as reader as I came across new vocabulary and words that I did not know of. Also I did not get the plot to it at first but after reading a little more I understood how the plot went. And the last it challenged me in was learning a different styles of writing since it had some letters in it and how the style of the writing was different.

Don't read this book if you don't like the genre fear,scary,and al little comedy cause that is what this book is mainly all about. Also don't pick this book if you don't like different styles of writing and also vocabulary cause there are many of these in the book.

Source-Photo booth

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lit circle post

I think it shows freedom by stating that "or turning a girl to a lady" I think that is a good way to actually express freedom because when your a lady your an adult, and being an adult means you are free to do things you want to that you could not do when you were a kid.

Also it mention's being a knight and being a knight gives you the chance to roam around the forest slaying monsters and also to discover hidden enemies hiding out in the forest so I think what the message was trying to convey was that when you or a knight or a Lady etc... you have the freedom to do anything you want.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lit Circle Reflection

Hello my name is Ramon and I'm going to tell you how Will a character from the book White Mountains. Will is just like me because he's eager to open the drawer to get the watch just like me when my dad locked his I pad away and shouted
" do not open the drawer!" and left away. I was so desperate to get the I pad, so I took the key and opened it and started to play on the I pad, when my dad got back he did not suspect a thing as I put back before he even got back.

Another way he is related to me is that Will is brave and I was brave one time to, when I had to I got lost in the airport and I could not find my mom or sister then I remembered to stay calm and ask one of the flight attendants to assist me and find my mum eventually they found me and I was with my Family again. So there it is that's how Will is just like me, is he just like you ?


Thursday, February 10, 2011

I movie reflection

Our assignment was to create a movie about a Pharaoh called Ramses the II. Me and my partner (victor) did very well on our project as we included loads of pictures and sited them ,information and bloopers as a extra part to our movie. Victor and I calibrated very well and worked exceptionally hard to make are movie great. At first we were struggling because we didin't make it 3 mins long but in the end we put those extra bits to make last 3 mis.

The group that I would review on is cameron and william's project. I thought there project was really done well and the put there best effort in. I really liked how cameron was making the back ground noise through out the movie which made the movie funny I also liked how they explained the information. The only thing thy could improve is there voices making it clear so that we could hear them but over all I thought it was a great movie.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Presentation Reflection

In class we did a presentation called City Connections and we had to pick a City and write about its a environmental factors, its historical factor and a map showing of the place.

What did you do well on your presentation ?

The thing I did well were I background information on the place, I included what was on the rubric,and when I was presenting I didn't just read what was on the slide I elaborated on it. Also I think I put a lot of effort into this power point and that it was really worth researching about Guam as I got to know even more knowledge about Guam.

What could you improve for future presentations ?

I could start improving by looking at my audience, and also to wright more information about the factor. Another is that I can use a different color so that its easier to read and make sure my background is fixed so that it fits into the slide and doesn't chop any of my words.

What did you learn from other presentations ?

I learned a lot about the city they chose and its environmental factors and I also learned how they formated there presentation so for future power points I know what I need to work on to make my power point nice yet elegant.

How did you meet the requirements for the rubric ?

By adding the Agana river and the jungle thats surrounding the island also I added two maps one showing where Guam is the other showing where Agana, the next was when I added the statistical information and the last one was the historical factors. Also I included loads of pictures and sited them.

Hope you read my blog!!!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Reflection Learning Profile

 I learn best when I see a visual picture such as equation try and figure it out by myself rather then following instructions so I can use my own way that I can do well thorough out my life.

I need to have time to think about what I need to do and also show my work rather than putting the answer straight on to the pice of paper. Also I need to concentrate and get easily distracted as it says in my learning profile that I stress a lot and get distracted easily so this is what I think I need to improve  on during my class time so I can get better at work.

The strategies that will help me learning is that I need something ton fiddle with when listening to the teacher and if I have like a visual picture right in front of me so that I get a good understanding of the work and I can complete it.

This is what I want my teachers to know about me that I work really hard I need time to think and figure out what to do. I a kinesthetic learner I need something to fiddle with when I learn and thats all you need to know.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My New Years Resolution

On the first of 1st of January I made some Resolutions which I hope will change and improve the way I use to be  earlier. My first Resolution was to be more environmentally friendly and not leave stuff on and not to waste electricity and water use less plastic.As, the consumption of these are destroying and depleting our natural resources such as,reservoirs and creating pollution from factories which are toxic to the environment.

My other New Years Resolutions was to work harder by studying, reviewing my work constantly, getting homework on time, and also concentrating in class. That will then make me commendable and bring me more satisfaction in my daily work. I'm sure that this will help me get good grades and make me elated about my studies.

The one thing that nobody knows about me is that Im talented in  badminton. I started when I was 9 and improved my skills and confidence in the game and now am really passionate about this sport,and practice it every Sunday. Also, play against my Dad regularly as he is a great opponent, as he once was a badminton champ in his school team.

The picture up there shows the time I went to the beach  in Goa with my freinds and  played  frisbee, built sand castles and had a great lunch of seafood, it was a wonderful experience. The other picture shows me Go karting and taking the bend so fast it was thrilling!!!! would love to do it again.