Thursday, February 10, 2011

I movie reflection

Our assignment was to create a movie about a Pharaoh called Ramses the II. Me and my partner (victor) did very well on our project as we included loads of pictures and sited them ,information and bloopers as a extra part to our movie. Victor and I calibrated very well and worked exceptionally hard to make are movie great. At first we were struggling because we didin't make it 3 mins long but in the end we put those extra bits to make last 3 mis.

The group that I would review on is cameron and william's project. I thought there project was really done well and the put there best effort in. I really liked how cameron was making the back ground noise through out the movie which made the movie funny I also liked how they explained the information. The only thing thy could improve is there voices making it clear so that we could hear them but over all I thought it was a great movie.


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