Monday, January 24, 2011

Presentation Reflection

In class we did a presentation called City Connections and we had to pick a City and write about its a environmental factors, its historical factor and a map showing of the place.

What did you do well on your presentation ?

The thing I did well were I background information on the place, I included what was on the rubric,and when I was presenting I didn't just read what was on the slide I elaborated on it. Also I think I put a lot of effort into this power point and that it was really worth researching about Guam as I got to know even more knowledge about Guam.

What could you improve for future presentations ?

I could start improving by looking at my audience, and also to wright more information about the factor. Another is that I can use a different color so that its easier to read and make sure my background is fixed so that it fits into the slide and doesn't chop any of my words.

What did you learn from other presentations ?

I learned a lot about the city they chose and its environmental factors and I also learned how they formated there presentation so for future power points I know what I need to work on to make my power point nice yet elegant.

How did you meet the requirements for the rubric ?

By adding the Agana river and the jungle thats surrounding the island also I added two maps one showing where Guam is the other showing where Agana, the next was when I added the statistical information and the last one was the historical factors. Also I included loads of pictures and sited them.

Hope you read my blog!!!!!

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