Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My New Years Resolution

On the first of 1st of January I made some Resolutions which I hope will change and improve the way I use to be  earlier. My first Resolution was to be more environmentally friendly and not leave stuff on and not to waste electricity and water use less plastic.As, the consumption of these are destroying and depleting our natural resources such as,reservoirs and creating pollution from factories which are toxic to the environment.

My other New Years Resolutions was to work harder by studying, reviewing my work constantly, getting homework on time, and also concentrating in class. That will then make me commendable and bring me more satisfaction in my daily work. I'm sure that this will help me get good grades and make me elated about my studies.

The one thing that nobody knows about me is that Im talented in  badminton. I started when I was 9 and improved my skills and confidence in the game and now am really passionate about this sport,and practice it every Sunday. Also, play against my Dad regularly as he is a great opponent, as he once was a badminton champ in his school team.

The picture up there shows the time I went to the beach  in Goa with my freinds and  played  frisbee, built sand castles and had a great lunch of seafood, it was a wonderful experience. The other picture shows me Go karting and taking the bend so fast it was thrilling!!!! would love to do it again.

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