Thursday, November 18, 2010

Partner disscusion

I worked with a friend on my lit circle. I found working with my friend fun because we shared what we read, and we got to to help each other improve by giving ideas and adding more information  to the passages and questions. By working together we learnt to cooperate and listen to each others comments and view points therefore learning to work as a team.

Some of the challenges we faced were understanding some of the sentences in the passage and what they meant. We also found it difficult to pick a good passage, because we had to pick different ones and this was not easy because you may have found one that your partner wished to do as well

I gained loads from my partner as we got to see other parts of the story and understand the novel better. An example would be when my partner talked about the fire, and how it helped Brian in various situations like cooking,  sending smoke signals and keeping him warm. I spoke about how surviving in the forest was a learning experience for Brian as when the bear appeared Brian left it alone to eat berries rather than attack the animal that approached him. By working together we began to uderstand each others passages in more detail.

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