Sunday, December 2, 2012

What is Worth fighting for ? Obesity

Obesity is one of the main reason people die at young ages and factors to this are .Due to the large portions they serve at fast food restaurants, schools not providing enough education on the matter and that people find fast food restaurants the easiest way to obtain food as they are easy to access and receive. I believe that people should be aware of their dietary and have the education to make the smart decisions on what they consume, that schools should be enforcing the education to support them when they come to eating.

A result of excessive portion eating from fast food, is from Morgan Spurlock, Morgan Spurlock created a documentary on how eating exclusive fast food can affect your personal health and emotions crucially, and that you should monitor your health at all times. When Morgan Spurlock decided that he was going to eat only Mcdonald's for thirty days straight for all courses,He demonstrated the fact that eating excessively caused physical emotions that usually resulted in a negative outcome, such as in the video  (41:22) Morgan stated at one point “he didn’t know why he was feeling sad, he claimed that he was having a great day and nothing had disappointed him”.This is an indicator, since nothing in his day caused this emotional trigger except the excessive fast food eating, could be only factor into which he started to feel depressed. As that section of the video resulted in Morgan’s emotions changing however there were more results of his excessive fast food eating.Another factor to is shown when Morgan is having a conversation with his doctor, about Morgan’s health after a few days of his experiment of eating excessively. The Doctor states in the video (1:08:30) that Morgan’s liver was sick and critically mentioned “ That Morgan was wiping out his liver” and he had only seen this with binge drinking but never excessive fast food consumption. This explains that the amount of food Morgan was eating a day, was completely exterminating his liver, which had a very negative impact on Morgan’s health ability thus increasing the probability of death. As you can see consuming a lot of fast food can lead to obesity and all these other health related problems, because some people aren't being properly educated around the world on how to have a balanced and nutritious diet.

An article from the BBC shows how people are not being properly educated, and the result that can happen if they are not. Also due to the fact of parental obliviousness, and they relying on school to educate them in becoming healthier. In the BBC article it writes to show how teens are constantly, eating junk food, and how schools do not take into account the drastics of teaching them the solid foundations of a proper nutrition. In the article it states the Ms Katys comment about her son “ He would eat too much when he was at school and then come home and eat whatever was around, even cook big meals for himself”. This shows that her son was excessively eating when he was at school, and completely had lack of education on the proper nutritious diet. As that article referred to parents and school the video Super Size me shows indications of this as well. In the Super Size me documentary it shows how kids react when choosing lunchtime meals and how it can affect their education. In the video when Morgan paid a visit (45:20) to the school, he questioned some kids on who these people were on the flash cards, most of the kids could not recognize the famous people of their nation but could recognize their fast food leaders. This shows that how many kids spend their time eating fast foods; don’t realize that their brain can be strained to the obsession of wanting the most possible. This indicates how fast foods can destroy the intelligence of children and force them to be constantly having the obsession, to rapidly eat as many fast foods as possible thus, resulting in them becoming obese.

Some nations are trying to prevent this problem by educating the children, on what a proper nutrition should be. Multiple nations have also introduced the ability to tax more on the larger the portion size concluding to them to have to pay more of an amount to obtain the food in which they so desire. This still hasn’t been brought around the world thus having this an epidemic around the world as continous trend.

I strongly agree that this should be a worldwide concern, as you can see the negative impact it does have on the world. If do consider this a priority around the world it can definitely benefit each every individual out there who is suffering from this trend and keep each and everyone of us living by the ethics to a healthy lifestyle.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chidlrens Peace Prize Convetion

Treacherous and deadly virus’s have fed on a boy who has been abused and tortured his whole life, now lives for the children living in poverty  after him by making sure they won’t go through the only option he had compared to the ones he has now, by educating them. Kesz, the winner of the 2012 Children’s Peace Prize, once strived  to survive in a dumpsite. Today helps children who live in poverty by educating them on hygiene  and inspiring them with hope.

By educating street children about hygiene, Kesz wants to teach the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. When he gave his speech at the Children's Peace Prize convention, he informed the people of the committee that 246,000 of the street children are exposed to abuse, violence, child labour and that most of them are struggling to cope with health related issues, “Please remember that everyday 6,000 children die from diseases associated with poor sanitation”. Kesz is pointing out that we need to educate these children, as they scavenge for food, let flies bite there opened wounds which the found normal to themselves and that his experiences of being abused at a young age and force to flee into a dumpsite where everday was unsanitized lifestyle for him will come as a benefit to him as  he will teach them the proper way. He also stated “My message to all children around the globe is; our health is our wealth.”  Kesz is showing it means that our health is our wealth meaning, that every time we keep healthy that becomes a gain to the us as we evolve into becoming a more healthier being, Kesz claims that if we value wealth we need to monitor our health, thus Kesz started his own organization in which he aids the children living in poverty by giving them gifts of hope, teaches them importance of hygiene and makes sure that everyone spreads this to one another.

Kesz wants to inspire the children with hope so that they never lose faith. Health isn't the only way Kesz wanted to enrich the lives of those living in poverty.When he was little and living on the dumpsite, almost  diminished of his hope a savior reached out to him  Mr Harnin, his guardian guiding him to where Kesz is now teaching him about the importance of hygiene and how he should aid the ones in need. Kesz seventh birthday came along and did not request for any presents instead wanted to respond by giving gifts to other children. Claiming that “The simple ways of sharing a meal, a toy, a pair of slippers or a smile, will bring joy. Spreading joy is simple is what Kesz is getting at, he’s saying that these easy things would spark joy and happiness into the children living in poverty. The fact that fear has haunted them their whole life, gifts would inspire the complete opposite as one is eager and thrilled with excitement when they receive gifts in this case the children and this would easily revive them of their desperation. “ Join me in helping street children achieve a better”   Kesz declared that he want people to migrate into his organization and help with increasing the health care and hope of these impoverished children, and that they will be as commited as he is.

Kesz inspires hope and love to the ones he is fighting for and will continue to, this is why the Children's Peace Prize was deservedly  awarded to Kesz. As a result he now looks to defend  children's rights in his hometown and will continue to expand upon this organization and hopes that it will enlarge and be carried as message to those worldwide, to know how the children of Philippines will need to be resparked of their hope.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Source -Crystals.jpg

Kristallnacht is the event where over 30,000 Jews were arrested and placed into concentration camps,7,000 Jewish Business were destroyed and over 1,000 synagogues. It took place from 9-10th of 1938, when a young boy Herschel Grynszapan was in Paris, and had heard what happened to his family he ordered a packet of bullets and marched right into the German embassy and shot the ambassador Ernst Vom Rath three times, he was then later arrested. This triggered the Nazis to see this as opportunity for vengeance.

The Nazis had factors for this cause for instance the Nuremberg laws isolating the Jews from the German citizens, loads of indications of Propaganda was used to lead up the to this monstrosity, signs of prejudice. Also there were a lot of bystander behavior as when countries did not accept Jew refugees into there country they had nowhere else to go but to turn back to Germany and suffer the torture, even when Kristallnacht was happening the people who were not taking part just stood there and witnessed such devastating acts.

My reaction towards this intolerable event was absolute shock, as I cannot believe how many buildings,synagogues,business were smashed and how so many citizens and allies were just bystanders not even considering facts or taking them into action. What also was a surprise was after all that commotion the Nazis caused the Jews still had to pay the reparation, with no cover from there insurance what so ever. This was depressingly unfair to me and absolutely abominable.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Essay on Propaganda

Essay Analyzing Propaganda

The word propaganda means to mislead someone by showing a particular media, this poster shows a strong perfect Aryan willing to fight for his country and persuading others to join him, as such this poster was created in 1936.

This image as I said shows the perfect Aryan gazing off into the distance holding the Nazi flag, standing broad and tall, smiling with dignity as if know one can get in his way and wearing the storm trooper outfit with a shiny buckle indicating a higher authority level. Also in this poster it shows a very dull back ground, focusing only on the student so that people will believe that if they join this as a result they would become a perfect Aryan.

I believe that this poster was aimed at teenager and young adults persuading them to become part of the Hitler Youth showing them the benefits of what would happen if they join. This was clearly a sign of propaganda because they went not going to become Aryan’s instead play a huge part into the rise of Germany's military, it was indeed misleading towards citizens of Germany as they didn't know what they were getting themselves into as they focused entirely on the Aryan, without knowing the risks or joining such a monstrosity!

Absolutely this would of been a successful piece of Propaganda as it was very misleading. From my perspective it led both positive and negative information positive because from the Germans point of view they thought that this would of been a great facility to join and that they would benefit a lot from this, negative because to the rest of the world as they saw that this was how Germany rebuilt there army...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Boy in Striped Pyjamas Prejudice & Bias

The Book The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas written by John Boyne shows incredible amount of evidence of Prejudice & Bias.Bruno was under the influence that Jews were all terrible and were to blame of all the corruptions happening to Germany.His father was a huge follower towards his allegiance with the Nazi's.

Bruno's Father had to explain to Bruno that the people in the camps weren't actually people at all, showed in this quote from the book P53 " Those People well, there not actually people at all" shows that his dad was teaching Bruno that he should consider the Jews as his enemy, which indicates signs of Prejudice as he had to listen to his fathers explanation which he didn't follow.

His Dad also represented, Bias, by following the Nazi way and being the commander of a concentration camp, risking Bruno's life. The tutor also represented this as he thought Bruno as well to hate and be resentful towards all Jews. Bruno ignored all of this when he met Shumel a young Jewish boy in the concentration camp.

As a result the whole family was influenced by the father to believe in the way of the Nazis,a few like Mother, Bruno & Maria had other opinions. Mother tried to persuade Father that what he was doing was wrong but he denied had had prejudice believes towards the Nazi's and this lead towards his sons death... I believe that Prejudice & Bias were played a lot into this depressing book.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Treaty of Versailles Unfair or Fair ?

This picture is the symbol of the League of nations.
Source -

The Treaty of Versailles was created made 1919 the treaty was to be made as a solution to end the war at state (WW1 or The Great War) and never have to deal with a war again. The Americans declared war on the Germans as they were to blame causing the massive destruction.

I strongly believe that the treaty was harsh yet fair, because in the treaty it states that Germany had everything to do about the war and in this article ( Deutsche Zeitung) it mentioned “In the place where, in the glorious year of 1871, the German Empire in all its glory had its origin, today German honor is being carried to its grave. Do not forget it! The German people will, with unceasing labor, press forward to reconquer the place among the nations to which it is entitled. Then will come vengeance for the shame of 1919". Confirming that they did start the war and they were to blame and that would get vengeance.

The Treaty came with a set of rules that Germany had to follow which were harsh but strongly fair showing that Germany had to pay a fine of $33 billion to damage towards civilians Germany's army reduced to 100,000 , that some parts of Germany were controlled by allied forces for 15 years,Germany's military resources were depleted to a small amount as well. Germany were vindictive towards this event, and were disgusted of the amount that they had to suffer.

The Germans were resentful to this matter of the allied victory, and thus I strongly believe that the treaty was indeed fair and that Germany did deserve to suffer that consequence, although in the end america did not take part int he league of nations.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

No Man is An Island

This picture shows that were all connected and we are all equal no matter gender,religion,nationality. We are all united as a group, and that we should respect one another and treat everyone with dignity. The text indicates that we should not abandon man on a island, and this picture shows the solution to that problem.

The similar themes from the text John Donne's writing to Greder's book on the Islands is that both the text and the book relate to isolation is the sens that the man was left on the island and the text shows that no man should ever be abandoned.Also I strongly believe that the meaning of No Man Is An Island is that no man should be abandoned like an island in the book it shows how the man is just sitting there naked suggesting that he was abandoned but as the people of the island were about to send him back on his raft the fisherman came and exclaimed "that we should except him into the island and not isolate him".

The text from the book provides Prejudice as when they first meet the man they jump to the opinion of sending him back on his raft straight away which is a negative point. Also when he is accepted into the village, the local people treat him like a slave fencing him inside a shed from the outside world relating to text of John Donne's saying that No Man should be an Island and be locked away in the dark where you cant be seen.

People make distinctions between us them because in my opinion they want to feel supreme, in the book it states that they said he was different from us indicating that he had no similarities between them,when clearly he was the same without education,food,shelter etc.. Us and them are just two words that people use to describe how much power they have over another being
that's is the only distinction that represents the two, Strongly I believe that everyone is equal in there own way.