Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Treaty of Versailles Unfair or Fair ?

This picture is the symbol of the League of nations.
Source -http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/i/int-lon3.gif

The Treaty of Versailles was created made 1919 the treaty was to be made as a solution to end the war at state (WW1 or The Great War) and never have to deal with a war again. The Americans declared war on the Germans as they were to blame causing the massive destruction.

I strongly believe that the treaty was harsh yet fair, because in the treaty it states that Germany had everything to do about the war and in this article ( Deutsche Zeitung) it mentioned “In the place where, in the glorious year of 1871, the German Empire in all its glory had its origin, today German honor is being carried to its grave. Do not forget it! The German people will, with unceasing labor, press forward to reconquer the place among the nations to which it is entitled. Then will come vengeance for the shame of 1919". Confirming that they did start the war and they were to blame and that would get vengeance.

The Treaty came with a set of rules that Germany had to follow which were harsh but strongly fair showing that Germany had to pay a fine of $33 billion to damage towards civilians Germany's army reduced to 100,000 , that some parts of Germany were controlled by allied forces for 15 years,Germany's military resources were depleted to a small amount as well. Germany were vindictive towards this event, and were disgusted of the amount that they had to suffer.

The Germans were resentful to this matter of the allied victory, and thus I strongly believe that the treaty was indeed fair and that Germany did deserve to suffer that consequence, although in the end america did not take part int he league of nations.

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