Monday, February 27, 2012


Source -Crystals.jpg

Kristallnacht is the event where over 30,000 Jews were arrested and placed into concentration camps,7,000 Jewish Business were destroyed and over 1,000 synagogues. It took place from 9-10th of 1938, when a young boy Herschel Grynszapan was in Paris, and had heard what happened to his family he ordered a packet of bullets and marched right into the German embassy and shot the ambassador Ernst Vom Rath three times, he was then later arrested. This triggered the Nazis to see this as opportunity for vengeance.

The Nazis had factors for this cause for instance the Nuremberg laws isolating the Jews from the German citizens, loads of indications of Propaganda was used to lead up the to this monstrosity, signs of prejudice. Also there were a lot of bystander behavior as when countries did not accept Jew refugees into there country they had nowhere else to go but to turn back to Germany and suffer the torture, even when Kristallnacht was happening the people who were not taking part just stood there and witnessed such devastating acts.

My reaction towards this intolerable event was absolute shock, as I cannot believe how many buildings,synagogues,business were smashed and how so many citizens and allies were just bystanders not even considering facts or taking them into action. What also was a surprise was after all that commotion the Nazis caused the Jews still had to pay the reparation, with no cover from there insurance what so ever. This was depressingly unfair to me and absolutely abominable.

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