Monday, February 27, 2012


Source -Crystals.jpg

Kristallnacht is the event where over 30,000 Jews were arrested and placed into concentration camps,7,000 Jewish Business were destroyed and over 1,000 synagogues. It took place from 9-10th of 1938, when a young boy Herschel Grynszapan was in Paris, and had heard what happened to his family he ordered a packet of bullets and marched right into the German embassy and shot the ambassador Ernst Vom Rath three times, he was then later arrested. This triggered the Nazis to see this as opportunity for vengeance.

The Nazis had factors for this cause for instance the Nuremberg laws isolating the Jews from the German citizens, loads of indications of Propaganda was used to lead up the to this monstrosity, signs of prejudice. Also there were a lot of bystander behavior as when countries did not accept Jew refugees into there country they had nowhere else to go but to turn back to Germany and suffer the torture, even when Kristallnacht was happening the people who were not taking part just stood there and witnessed such devastating acts.

My reaction towards this intolerable event was absolute shock, as I cannot believe how many buildings,synagogues,business were smashed and how so many citizens and allies were just bystanders not even considering facts or taking them into action. What also was a surprise was after all that commotion the Nazis caused the Jews still had to pay the reparation, with no cover from there insurance what so ever. This was depressingly unfair to me and absolutely abominable.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Essay on Propaganda

Essay Analyzing Propaganda

The word propaganda means to mislead someone by showing a particular media, this poster shows a strong perfect Aryan willing to fight for his country and persuading others to join him, as such this poster was created in 1936.

This image as I said shows the perfect Aryan gazing off into the distance holding the Nazi flag, standing broad and tall, smiling with dignity as if know one can get in his way and wearing the storm trooper outfit with a shiny buckle indicating a higher authority level. Also in this poster it shows a very dull back ground, focusing only on the student so that people will believe that if they join this as a result they would become a perfect Aryan.

I believe that this poster was aimed at teenager and young adults persuading them to become part of the Hitler Youth showing them the benefits of what would happen if they join. This was clearly a sign of propaganda because they went not going to become Aryan’s instead play a huge part into the rise of Germany's military, it was indeed misleading towards citizens of Germany as they didn't know what they were getting themselves into as they focused entirely on the Aryan, without knowing the risks or joining such a monstrosity!

Absolutely this would of been a successful piece of Propaganda as it was very misleading. From my perspective it led both positive and negative information positive because from the Germans point of view they thought that this would of been a great facility to join and that they would benefit a lot from this, negative because to the rest of the world as they saw that this was how Germany rebuilt there army...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Boy in Striped Pyjamas Prejudice & Bias

The Book The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas written by John Boyne shows incredible amount of evidence of Prejudice & Bias.Bruno was under the influence that Jews were all terrible and were to blame of all the corruptions happening to Germany.His father was a huge follower towards his allegiance with the Nazi's.

Bruno's Father had to explain to Bruno that the people in the camps weren't actually people at all, showed in this quote from the book P53 " Those People well, there not actually people at all" shows that his dad was teaching Bruno that he should consider the Jews as his enemy, which indicates signs of Prejudice as he had to listen to his fathers explanation which he didn't follow.

His Dad also represented, Bias, by following the Nazi way and being the commander of a concentration camp, risking Bruno's life. The tutor also represented this as he thought Bruno as well to hate and be resentful towards all Jews. Bruno ignored all of this when he met Shumel a young Jewish boy in the concentration camp.

As a result the whole family was influenced by the father to believe in the way of the Nazis,a few like Mother, Bruno & Maria had other opinions. Mother tried to persuade Father that what he was doing was wrong but he denied had had prejudice believes towards the Nazi's and this lead towards his sons death... I believe that Prejudice & Bias were played a lot into this depressing book.