Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chidlrens Peace Prize Convetion

Treacherous and deadly virus’s have fed on a boy who has been abused and tortured his whole life, now lives for the children living in poverty  after him by making sure they won’t go through the only option he had compared to the ones he has now, by educating them. Kesz, the winner of the 2012 Children’s Peace Prize, once strived  to survive in a dumpsite. Today helps children who live in poverty by educating them on hygiene  and inspiring them with hope.

By educating street children about hygiene, Kesz wants to teach the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. When he gave his speech at the Children's Peace Prize convention, he informed the people of the committee that 246,000 of the street children are exposed to abuse, violence, child labour and that most of them are struggling to cope with health related issues, “Please remember that everyday 6,000 children die from diseases associated with poor sanitation”. Kesz is pointing out that we need to educate these children, as they scavenge for food, let flies bite there opened wounds which the found normal to themselves and that his experiences of being abused at a young age and force to flee into a dumpsite where everday was unsanitized lifestyle for him will come as a benefit to him as  he will teach them the proper way. He also stated “My message to all children around the globe is; our health is our wealth.”  Kesz is showing it means that our health is our wealth meaning, that every time we keep healthy that becomes a gain to the us as we evolve into becoming a more healthier being, Kesz claims that if we value wealth we need to monitor our health, thus Kesz started his own organization in which he aids the children living in poverty by giving them gifts of hope, teaches them importance of hygiene and makes sure that everyone spreads this to one another.

Kesz wants to inspire the children with hope so that they never lose faith. Health isn't the only way Kesz wanted to enrich the lives of those living in poverty.When he was little and living on the dumpsite, almost  diminished of his hope a savior reached out to him  Mr Harnin, his guardian guiding him to where Kesz is now teaching him about the importance of hygiene and how he should aid the ones in need. Kesz seventh birthday came along and did not request for any presents instead wanted to respond by giving gifts to other children. Claiming that “The simple ways of sharing a meal, a toy, a pair of slippers or a smile, will bring joy. Spreading joy is simple is what Kesz is getting at, he’s saying that these easy things would spark joy and happiness into the children living in poverty. The fact that fear has haunted them their whole life, gifts would inspire the complete opposite as one is eager and thrilled with excitement when they receive gifts in this case the children and this would easily revive them of their desperation. “ Join me in helping street children achieve a better”   Kesz declared that he want people to migrate into his organization and help with increasing the health care and hope of these impoverished children, and that they will be as commited as he is.

Kesz inspires hope and love to the ones he is fighting for and will continue to, this is why the Children's Peace Prize was deservedly  awarded to Kesz. As a result he now looks to defend  children's rights in his hometown and will continue to expand upon this organization and hopes that it will enlarge and be carried as message to those worldwide, to know how the children of Philippines will need to be resparked of their hope.